⚡️⚡️SHOCK ⚡️⚡️
Hypoperfusion of an organ
- BP Systolic<90mmHg, Diastolic<60mmHg
- Tachycardia
- Skin changes
Types of Shock:
Hypovolumic Shock: Blood Loss, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dehydration
Diagnosis is on History, CVP<8, Chest Auscultation
- 1L Blood loss is replaced with 1L of colloid or 3L of crytalloid.
- In Hypovolumic shock 2-3L of fluid can be given.
- After 2-3L, fluid can be given according to UOP, CVP & Chest Auscultation.
- Norepinephrine >>> alpha & Beta
Cardiogenic Shock: MI, Ischemia, Valvular Heart Disease,
Diagnose on ECG changes
- fluid 200-300ml
Inotropic Support:
- Dopamine & Dobutamine
- At low dose on Dopa receptors
- At medium dose on Dopa & Beta receptors
- At high dose on Dopa, Beta & Alpha receptors
Obstructive Shock: Physical Obstruction around Heart. e.g. Myocarditis, Endocarditis, Pericardial Effusion.
Rx: Relieve the cause.
Neurogenic/Vasovagal Shock: Stress, Trauma
Rx: Leg Elevation>>> "Bradycardia"
Anaphylactic Shock:
Reaction>> Mediators>> Vasodilation & Bronchoconstrition
- Norepinephrine acts at;
- Alpha: inc. Peripheral Resistance
- Beta: inc. Heart Rate
- Phenyephrine acts at;
- Alpha: inc. Peripheral Resistance
Septic Shock:
Bacteria>> Exotoxins>> Mediators>> Vasodilation
- Skin will be warm only in Septic shock.
- Norepinephrine acts at;
- Alpha: inc. Peripheral Resistance
- Beta: inc. Heart Rate
- Phenyephrine acts at;
- Alpha: inc. Peripheral Resistance
- Inj. Rocephin 1g for gram -ve
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